It’s no secret that we all want a better home, but what does it mean to live in a “better” home? And how do we get there?
It’s easy to lose sight of your goals and feel you’re working towards something without knowing why. But pursuit of happiness is not an empty promise.
There are fifteen simple things you can do every day to improve your home, creating a create a happier life for yourself and those around you.
1. Clean your windows.
When you clean your windows, you not only improve your view, but you also let in more sunlight and improve the air quality in your home.
Sunlight is a natural mood enhancer and cleaner air can help you breathe easier.
2. Eat a meal around your dining room table.
No, eating on the couch with a TV dinner does not count.
There is something about sitting at a table that truly makes a meal special. It promotes conversation and family time while cooking together can cause healthier meals without sacrificing too much preparation time.
3. Create makeshift art using recycled materials from your home.
We’re all familiar with Pinterest posts containing DIY mason jar centerpieces or painted wine glasses, but there are so many more creative possibilities out there! Toilet paper rolls and paper towel rolls can become perfect trees for an under-the-sea themed bedroom, or sponge painting means you’ll never have to purchase another canvas again! The possibilities are endless.
4. Declutter your space.
A cluttered space can make you feel overwhelmed and stressed out. But when you take the time to declutter, you’ll feel more organized and in control of your surroundings.
5. Spend time with your pets.
Pets are wonderful, furry mess makers, but they also make wonderful companions. A happy pet is a clear sign of a happy household! So feed them, play with them, and love them unconditionally to create a safe space between you and your four-legged friends.
6. Check the batteries in your smoke detector/carbon monoxide detector.
There’s nothing better than peace of mind that comes from properly working alarms in your home, especially when you’re sleeping or cooking with an open flame!
7. Play music throughout the house to set different moods for different rooms.
To truly experience the magic of music is to surround yourself with it as often as possible. Playing music throughout your house can have a lot of benefits. It can help to create different moods for different rooms, set the tone for a party, or just make you feel better.
8. Read a book in your favorite chair by the window.
Loving a good book is one thing, but getting lost in a captivating story with only yourself as a company can be truly therapeutic.
There’s nothing like curling up in your favorite chair with a good book. Whether you’re reading for pleasure or to improve your knowledge, there are countless benefits to reading. Not only does it make you smarter, but it can also help you relax and escape from the everyday stress of life.
9. Make your bed.
It may seem like a minor accomplishment, but making your bed every day will help you start your day on the right foot.
You’ll feel you accomplished something and be motivated to do more every day. Plus, your bed will look better.
10. Put a magnet on your fridge with a list of five things you’re grateful for.
Gratitude is an essential part of happiness and can be cultivated in just about every situation, including the morning when brushing our teeth or while we eat lunch! A little appreciation goes a long way.
11. Pick some flowers from your garden to put in a vase in your kitchen.
Not only will it brighten up the room, but you’ll have fresh flowers for weeks to come from that one trip outside!
12. Declutter your living spaces.
A cluttered home can be stressful to live in. Take some time to go through your belongings and get rid of anything you don’t need or use anymore.
13. Rearrange your furniture.
A new furniture arrangement can make your home feel fresh. Rearranging your furniture can have a major impact on your home decor and how it makes you feel.
14. Add some plants.
Plants not only add color and life to a room, but they also improve the air quality. A simple houseplant can help purify the air by removing any pollutants from your environment.
15. Read inspiring quotes.
When we start our day off with powerful thoughts, we give ourselves the chance to have a strong and impactful day.
Before you get out of bed each morning, take a few minutes to read an inspiring quote that will get you excited about the new possibilities ahead!
Final Thoughts
By following these simple steps, you will not only create harmony within your space, but you’ll also open up opportunities to spend time with those around you and live life more fully.
It’s the little things that matter, so make sure you take time each day to create space for them in your life.