Winter Home Improvement Tips

If you are trying to keep your heating bills down this winter, you will want to read these winter home improvement tips to make sure you have the most efficient systems possible.

Tip #1: Insulate Your Roof

The first winter home improvement tip concerns the insulating your roof. If you have a spray foam insulation in your attic then you may notice that it is thicker during the colder months. This extra insulation should be taken advantage of to keep heating costs down.

If you do not have it then you will want to check to see how much spray foam that you have on the inside of your attic. The thicker the foam, the better the insulating will be for your home.

Tip #2: Check Your Windows

Another great home improvement tip is to check all of your windows and glass doors to ensure that they are securely shut and secure. During the summer, many people will open these windows in order to cool off their homes. While this may be a good idea, you should ensure that they are secure so that they do not accidentally open during a very warm spell.

Also consider closing all of your basement windows. These are excellent for keeping hot summer air out of your home, but they can also be quite cold in the winter. Winterizing your windows will allow you to enjoy the warm air flow during the winter.

Tip # 3: Check Heating & Cooling System

Your heating and cooling system can be another area of concern during the winter months. During the summer, these systems are often upgraded to increase efficiency. However, when winter hits, many people discover that the air flow to the home has been lowered, leading to increased heating costs. If you notice that this has happened to you, then you will want to consider installing a winter coil and air conditioner.

You should also make sure that your home air filters are working properly. If you find that they are clogged with pine pollen or dust, then they will not only be making your house feel stuffy, but they will also cost you money.

Tip #4: Check Water Lines

Finally, one of the best home improvement tips is to make sure that all of your water lines are functioning correctly. This includes your septic tanks.

Winter can cause unexpected spikes in your water usage, which can be expensive to repair. If you find that your water is freezing, you may want to consider contacting a water service company so that you can have it pumped more quickly to avoid large water bills. Winterizing your pipes will help you avoid this costly issue.


There are many reasons why you should do winter home improvement projects. If you don’t have the necessary skills to complete these types of projects, or you are worried that you might mess up something big, you should hire a professional to do it for you. When it comes down to it, your house will look better than ever, and you won’t have to worry about hurting yourself while trying to get something done.

Reasons Why You need to Test your Air Quality

Do you know what you’re breathing in at your home? There are air pollutants all around you although you may not be able to see it. You may think that all pollutants are only found out there yet the air seeps into your home or office. Given that air is invisible, you may not consider getting a test for it. Nevertheless, if you have asthma, nose irritation in your home or frequent headaches, you need to do a test and know what the problem with your air is so as to find a solution. Here are reasons why you need test your air quality.


The gases and particles that result from combustion are the leading sources of air pollution in homes. Carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter are the main products of combustion. Carbon monoxide is a dangerous odorless gas which can cause death on prolonged exposure. Other symptoms of carbon monoxide are headaches, nausea, dizziness and excessive tiredness. An air test will help you know if the levels of carbon monoxide in your home are above average.


Radon is another colorless and odorless gas yet cancer causing. According to the EPA, radon is the leading cause of lung cancer. Radon gets emitted from low levels of decaying uranium which is found in nearly all soil. As the radon moves into the atmosphere, it gets trapped inside buildings making it dangerous for homeowners. It is only by testing the air that you can identify this gas and take action if detected.


Just like radon, asbestos occurs in the soil making it of less harm until when it finds its way into your home. The heat resistant fibers of asbestos is airborne whenever disturbed. Breathing the asbestos fibers can cause lung, larynx, stomach, colon and kidney cancer as well as respiratory problems.


You need a test for Volatile Organic Compounds especially after a paint project. The VOCs are usually emitted from building materials, paint products and aerosol cans. This contributes to household air pollution because they are mostly kept in the house. Some of the symptoms of VOCs include nose, eye or throat irritation. If you notice these symptoms in your home, consider testing the air of your home and find a solution.


The use pesticides in the eradication of pests raises the risk of trading one problem for another one. The pesticides are usually toxic and can affect one’s health depending on the type of chemical and the dosage. When inhaled, they cause nausea, headaches, cancer and brain damage.

Mold and mildew

A stuck AC unit can lead to the accumulation of mold and mildew during hot and humid months. Symptoms of mold include skin irritation, nasal stuffiness and wheezing. You should therefore ensure the conditions that favor mold growth don’t exist in your home.